Freitag, 2. Juli 2010

Samstag geöffnet


Bei unserem morgigen Scrapbooking-Day steht ein Fernseher bereit um das große Spiel anzuschauen. Also wer mitfiebern will, darf gerne vorbeikommen. Natürlich dürft ihr morgen von 10.00 bis 19.00 Uhr einkaufen, da wir geöffnet haben.

Don't forget to watch TV tomorrow afternoon. Even though I'm still suffering from the defeat, I have now decided to support the German football team in South Africa. If you are joining us for our full day workshop, then not to worry - we have arranged for a TV and it will be on!!! For those of you, who would like to swing by and see what we are doing, or do some shopping, we are open between 10am and 7pm.

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